Cima -- solid and naturally passionate Danish design
Cima brings a natural calm and confident luxury to your bathroom. With its classic lines, our Cimabathroom cabinet will last and stay in style as long as you need it to. Behind its natural, glowing oak, you'll find your toiletries - morning after morning. And no, they are not doors; they're drawers. You'll love them for the overview and intelligent organisation as they silently roll out for you. And for the rest of your family too.
Utforsk varianter
CIMA dark oak

Effektiv rente ved 60 mnd nedbetalingstid, årsrente 6,9%, etableringsgebyr 799,- og administrasjonsgebyr 49,- er 10,32% og det totale beløpet å betale er 57.857,-. Beregningen forutsetter at innbetaling skjer i hht. vilkårene. Finansieringen tilbys i samarbeid med Kviks finansieringspartner Captum Group, som er en del av Stena AB.
Danish design in genuine oak
Whether you choose light oak or dark oak, Cima elevates the whole room. Oak is such an evergreen material that its warm glow has been a stylish statement of luxury for many years, and you can see why.